Sunday, May 20, 2007

They Hope He Does Not Run

The Republicans are scared shitless of Al Gore. Behind Gore's current fame lies an formidable opponent for which the Republicans cannot match with their current slate of candidates.

Since Gore left the political arena, he has increased his speaking abilities two fold. Gore can move people with his motivational style of speaking better than anyone currently running for president. This is a fact not known by most Democrats. I personally feel Gore speaks better then Barack Obama and Clinton. That puts him up there with the best.

Gore would be the ideal candidate to address the abuses of the Oil companies. Who better to lead the fight against the Oil Companies and the cable news companies who have taken to the airways twice an hour telling their viewers to believe the Oil companies absurd reasoning for high prices. MSNBC should be boycotted for this kind of propaganda.

In all, Gore is the man for my money. I am very sure America will respond to his motivational style. Lets go Gore.


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1 comment:

  1. Damn straight! He'll also get two votes from my house.
