Thursday, December 27, 2012
Gun Control Or No Gun Control: The Real Solution Begs For More
I hope the initial battle to establish gun control does not dominate the issue surrounding mass shootings.If it does, the problem will not be solved. While I would be the first to say we need to take a serious look at how a terrible arsenal is made available to the wrong people, I would also be the first to say more is needed to solve the mass shooting problem.
Every indication concerning the shooters in all these recent shootings points to a lethal time bomb in people dealing with mental health problems. Gun control or no gun control resolve will not address the sudden explosive nature of the person who starts a fire and waits for it victims to arrive. Every factor should be addressed, for I know we don't want to keep burying innocent victims. We can't afford to let this problem be passed off as a simple gun control issue.”
Monday, December 17, 2012
“Starting The Dialog For Solutions
Funny, when you talk about taking guns out of the hands of would be killers, the conservatives come out of the wood works. On this site, I have never seen so many conservative comments grouped together for an issue. Is it so bad to begin the conversation or dialog to bring about a solution to the tragedy that lead to the death of innocent children, teachers and rescuers?
We need to start the dialog for bringing this senseless killings to an end. I am not willing to stop the solution process because it conflicts with a farmers nuisance license. Can we have a solution to the killings of so many innocent human beings, and still allow a hunter or farmer shoot his deer? Or, can we, as a nation, be silenced by the threat of Civil War because we simply want to stop killings like this from happening over and over again?
This is America; I think we have the courage to step up and find a solution to this issue. This should not be a "win a game" exercise. No one person should be expected to solve this issue. We must all come to the table with the sincere intent to SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. For the kids and adults that died, we can SOLVE
Saturday, December 08, 2012
We Have Just Entered The Pre-Trial Phase Of This Case
I want to first say this is a very sad and unfortunate event. Nobody wants this kind of thing to happen. I hope intent to kill and full weight of a fun moment turned tragic is given to all involved. As it stands, Josh Brent has just moved into the trial by public phase, and I am certain any juror will be influenced by it. Some events belong out of the headlines. These events are gray in nature. By "gray" I mean not a clear cut verdict until the facts are presented.
My point is I find it hard to unfairly charge someone's child, imprison someone's child and sadly lose someone's child. This is coming from somebody who can only imagine if that were my child, lost or tried in a court of law. There can be no winners in this situation; however, there must be a healing process that creates and initiates a bonding process that brings a potential for us to be a little closer to each other.
Thursday, December 06, 2012
“The Real Truth Leaks Out
I can't see how Mitt Romney and camp can say they were going to win the presidential election. By the time the end of campaign season came around, Romney was lying at a rate unprecedented in American politics. It did not look and feel it was coming from someone who was winning an election. Instead, it seemed Romney was trying to find something, anything, that will put him contention at the last minute.
As time goes by, sometimes the truth leaks out, even if you live in a protected Bubble. This is one of those times. The truth be said no serious presidential candidate can lie as much as Romney did and not be subject to adverse consequences. In this case, Romney loss a 7 year bid for the WH and he knew it, he paid to know it, and I am sure,in the end, he was told the awful truth of it.
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Run Of The Mouth Disease
John Sununu has a disease; it is called run of the mouth disease, for which, he got from Mitt Romney. Run of the mouth disease symptoms include the following:
1. Lying -- for which you recant later, recanting can occur in one hour to two years
2. Endless Insulting of any and all Democrats -- can be but not limited to minorities.
3. A need to affirm your sense of being powerful when you are not -- presented in an annoying presence before TV cameras as you call others names. Name calling can be in rant form.
A word of caution here. run of the mouth disease is extremely contagious and has be known to affect members of the Republican Party. Lying seems to be the main way people catch this disease,so anyone can catch it. The prognosis for this disease is extreme insignificance followed by isolation from politics for the remainder of your Parties existence.
If John Sununu Can Do The Job I Can Do It Better
In every TV interview John Sununu has been in, he has behaved as if he were on the back of a school bus in a name "capping" session. Recall the comment he made concerning Colin Powel and President Obama. He never quites, and in another TV interview, he made the claim President Obama's supporters only support him because he gives them food stamps. The question to whether he should step down has already been made. I am serious, skin heads can make racially charged comments, for exciting the extreme fringe is all he is good for. Sununu does not belong in a civil format.
I fault the MSM for his continued existence. They, mainly Fox News, normalize his comments as if it is a opposing opinion. As a Black man, I would be federal expressed off the TV if I made the type of comments Sununu makes. He gets a pass; thus, he is still available to make another offensive comment.
Saturday, December 01, 2012
The Danger Of Being Around A Suicidal Person
The first thing most want to do when someone feels bad enough to take their own life is to help them. It's almost a natural reaction, and it speaks to the very nature of how we bond with one another. When you see a small child crying, most will move to that child to comfort that child, and by doing so, you become the child's friend and savior, and you get a boost in your good ego. However, know this: if someone is truly suicidal, they may be in the mind set of not caring about their life nor yours. This is why you see so many stories like the one associated with this post. The suicidal person kills himself and those around them
My Mother used to tell me: "never make someone mad enough to want to hurt you. You never know how that person solves their issues."
When you bring both of the dynamics above together, you have an increased chance of a very tragic situation -- a situation that has filled the newspaper pages and TV news reports in America. How many times have you read or watched a news report about a killing followed by a suicide? Bottom line here is it is easy to want to help someone who is deeply hurt enough to want to kill themselves, but it may not be the wises thing to do, and it could be the last thing you do.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Write Enything For This Crab
Oh, Romney sings to.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The Real Election Flaw of Our Country
Our country has a very serious flaw. Because of the polarize nature of our country, their is a chance we could put someone like Mitt Romney in the office of the president. When one side has the financial means to buy the most important election of our county, we can actually put someone in the president's role who has no qualifications to be there, and in tonight's debate, that fact was evident.
Romney scares me, and this is not related to being on the other side of his issues. It does have a lot to do with our nation's security. This man is not qualified to be in the office of the president, and if he were, we could be in the first nuclear war. I say this with the real fear Romney is out classed, emotional reactive, and narrowed minded.
The very first time Romney is faced with a real life situation the mind set for critical thinking on a world stage will not be there. As a country, we have got to find a way to keep those who could destroy the country or world out of our polarized system. As you can see, any person can get close to half the country' s support off the top. This makes our election process something to look at from a national security perspective. We are truly in a scary time.
Friday, September 07, 2012
Making a Fact: The Conservative Way
I know Democrats have heard and felt the swing in the news. You would think the MSM would of moved away from the negative approach Fox News displays. No, that was not to be. Instead, the MSM viewed the far right swing in news as a possible increased viewership possibilities and identified a target audience that could bring in money. Yes, it is still "the dollar bill yall."
Now,there are what I saw someone from C&L wrote a "fox news lite", no caps, who look like Fox, talk like Fox and, as people are starting to report, lie just like Fox News. This includes, but not limited to CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, and more. Can you imagine how much control of the message this yields? It is power with a capital "P".
Monday, September 03, 2012
Kicking & Screaming
The word is out: The Republican convention could of been called
the lying convention. For the first time since I can remember, all of
the media did not do this phony fair and balanced routine that bypass
the all out lies committed by the GOP. However, there is still a few
media diehards who see things in the usual "horse race" objective way.
CBS's Bob Schieffer is one of those diehards.
During "Meet the Press", on Sep. 2, 2012, Rahm Emanuel totally overlooked the strongest arguing point against Mitt Romney's Welfare attack that claims Barack Obama wants to get rid of the work requirement. Instead, he gave a long drawn out explanation a Harvard Grad would of been tired of. He only needed to say it was a lie.
During the same "Meet the Press" show noted above, the host Dick Gregory invited the conservative elite to counter the damage made in the recent Republican convention. The guest, which included the great Newt Gingrich, made their points without counter and taking responsibility for the lies generated during their speechesand convention .
My point is this, some of the media made to historic leap and fact checked the lies generated during the convention. while others still see things in the usual overlooked fashion they call Fair and Balanced.
During "Meet the Press", on Sep. 2, 2012, Rahm Emanuel totally overlooked the strongest arguing point against Mitt Romney's Welfare attack that claims Barack Obama wants to get rid of the work requirement. Instead, he gave a long drawn out explanation a Harvard Grad would of been tired of. He only needed to say it was a lie.
During the same "Meet the Press" show noted above, the host Dick Gregory invited the conservative elite to counter the damage made in the recent Republican convention. The guest, which included the great Newt Gingrich, made their points without counter and taking responsibility for the lies generated during their speeches
My point is this, some of the media made to historic leap and fact checked the lies generated during the convention. while others still see things in the usual overlooked fashion they call Fair and Balanced.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
In Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida
the fix is in. The MSM is in full Fox News status. Its prime time for
Republicans at their convention, and the racist feel like they have died and gone to heaven.
Their supporters can't wait to let go of some of the pinned up racism
they have not been able express on a national level. However, with Mitt
Romney and Paul Ryan in the driver's seat, the words N iger, monkey,
and now animal is fair game.
Hold your horses because the game ain't over yet. A few more animal callings on national TV and maybe the American people will see just what they are getting if they put the biggest kiss ass this country have ever seen in the oval office.
So, I know the animal callers can't wait to get their racism on, but you know what? The American people needs to see them in their true form.
Hold your horses because the game ain't over yet. A few more animal callings on national TV and maybe the American people will see just what they are getting if they put the biggest kiss ass this country have ever seen in the oval office.
So, I know the animal callers can't wait to get their racism on, but you know what? The American people needs to see them in their true form.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Keeping It Real
Here is a place for a good opportunity to fight for fair early voting in Ohio. Just click and you shell receive.
Getting Busy
I was on the Crooks and Liars site, and this wonderful nice person provided me with a list of places we can generate complaints concerning the Ohio voting hurdles the Left has encountered:
Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20463
National Phone: (800) 424-9530
Local Phone: (202) 694-1100
Ohio Elections Commission
21 West Broad Street
Suite 500
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-3205
Fax: (614) 728-9408
Office of the Secretary of State, John Husted (Elections Division)
(614) 466-2585
(877) SOS-OHIO (767-6446) x2
TTY: (614) 728-3295
TTY Toll-free: (877) TTY-OHIO (889-6446)
Ohio Ethics Commission
30 West Spring Street, L3
Columbus, OH 43215-2256
Phone: (614) 466-7090
Fax: (614) 466-8368
Directory of All County Boards of Elections (Alphabetical)
More to come.
Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20463
National Phone: (800) 424-9530
Local Phone: (202) 694-1100
Ohio Elections Commission
21 West Broad Street
Suite 500
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-3205
Fax: (614) 728-9408
Office of the Secretary of State, John Husted (Elections Division)
(614) 466-2585
(877) SOS-OHIO (767-6446) x2
TTY: (614) 728-3295
TTY Toll-free: (877) TTY-OHIO (889-6446)
Ohio Ethics Commission
30 West Spring Street, L3
Columbus, OH 43215-2256
Phone: (614) 466-7090
Fax: (614) 466-8368
Directory of All County Boards of Elections (Alphabetical)
More to come.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Democrats Must Get Busy
As a Democrat, I think we need to change the media narratives. So far, I have seen examples of what the Republicans are doing in Florida, Ohio and now New Mexico. To Inform is an important order of exposure. However,an even more important aspect to fighting this potential election crime is to outline what is being done to stop these efforts to steal this election.
Like a ship in the sea, we must change direction and report what is being done to stop this madness. I don't want to get up the day after the next presidential election and see headlines saying: Democrats Did Nothing To Counter the Massive effort to cheat Barack Obama out of his office.
What must happen until the November election is a non stop energy driven focus on preventing the Republicans from getting away with their attempt to steal this election by suppressing the vote. You can do this by the following.
1. Informational post: Get the word out through you blog comments on all sites.
2. Give, Give, Give: Not to here but to the efforts directly dedicated to stopping the Republican voter scams.
3. Check here for more information concerning the voting battle: This blog will dedicate time and efforts informing and directing would be donation to central areas.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Will Voter Supresion Backfire In PA
The New Republican attempt to stop Barack Obama from being re-elected is dangerious to the rights of the Poor, the Democrats, and believe it or not, the Republicans.
Who do you think will have the most problems correlating all the documents needed to to vote? Guess no more it is the elderly. Actually, they are starting to speak out with demonstrations.
The last I heard was the elderly was a huge portion of the Republican base.
Who do you think will have the most problems correlating all the documents needed to to vote? Guess no more it is the elderly. Actually, they are starting to speak out with demonstrations.
The last I heard was the elderly was a huge portion of the Republican base.
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I created my own averages believing in my heart these outliers do not belong in the average if they are bias for one side. Taking from Huffpost Politics, I have come up with a very different outcome I use to stop sweating about the possibility of Romney becoming our next president.
Now, when I look at the national averages, I take out Rasmussen's polls and Gallup's outliers, instead of getting a created number, I get 47% to 47%. When I do the same for Florida, I get 48% for Obama and 47% for Romney. I don't feel bad about doing this. I don't think life will be that much different without them.
I say this concerning polls also because I was on the "Headline Poll" site and discovered a strong bias in how they presented their numbers. For example, they left a PPP poll that had Obama up in Ohio by 3 points out the day it was released. They put it out the next day, but it was not released as new. In effect, it went unnoticed. I confronted them with the following post:
What did they do? They removed the poll altogether. So when you see a polling average being manipulated by one or two conservative outliers, don't panic; just recalibrate the poll without the bias pollster. Another very important factor concerning national polls is: for the very dynamics I am trying to avoid, national polls have become not good sources of accurate information.