One obvious questionable fact is the alert for this terrorist plan was escalated when they found out the so called bombers were making attempts to book flights. The press was clear to point out NO FLIGHTS WERE BOOKED, so why would the Bush administration raise a terrorist alert after they stopped the plot and placed the would be terrorist in jail? I know why; does poll numbers and November elections stand to increase with such a report? Spin baby Spin and there is no one who knows how to Spin like the current administration and the Republican Party. In fact, the way in which the right wing press reported this was made to order for the President's ailing poll numbers. The overplay for this so called plot is so big it may backfire on the paranoid right. At the time of this post, there was talk that the Governor of California was talking about enlisting the National Guard to help with Airport security -- the only place the terrorist are allowed to attack from. I feel so safe.
At a time like this, the press really shows its greedy colors. With the sensation button in one hand and the made of order special professional guess at the ready, the press launch a ruthless parade of endless, "what ifs," political and one sided scenarios dedicated to educating and misleading issues their target audience want to hear. The sad part of all of this is the truth gets buried and very hard to distinguishes from the hypothetical. It is no wonder this countries get so many issues wrong when trying to find solutions; we need only look at our process for gathering information verses our unconscious need to be sensationalized while our Politicians try to gain political "one up man ship."