Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Communicating Simple Points

Why is it so hard to hear what the Democrats are trying to say? Could some of Democrat's words be falling in a vacuum to briefly surface at the sole recall of Democrats only? It just seems, for the sake of politics, the critical points concerning our, I am a left leaning card carrying Democratic Liberal, positions get lost in the debates. One example is the Democrats claim they were given information to fit the Bush administration's wishes to go to war, not the facts which was not provided to those who voted to give Bush authorization to go to war. Another lost point is Murtha's initiative was not voted on; instead, a plain statement to withdraw the troops was submitted by the Republicans, which did not have any of the considerations noted in Murtha's initiative. There would be no argument if the positions held were clearly stated. The only thing left would be to prove or disapprove the positions in the debate.
Somebody clearly does not want to clearly define the debate; without clear delineation of the arguments, we cannot move to the who's telling the truth or lie stage. Time after time, the media and the Republicans claim the Democrats were given the same information as the President, and no one voted for Murtha's initiative. That is, in both cases, a poor delineation of the arguments at hand and will not go any further because the arguments lacks agreement on its foundation. When you factor the media's constant need to hype, distort, or crate information related to an argument, you get a dysfunctional triad that seem to run counter to any form of true problem solving. It is no wonder many Americans have lost hope in our media, Congress and leaders to solve our nation's problems. There is one word all three subjects in the triad adhered to: replacement.
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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Undermining The Argument

The Democrats could be losing this argument concerning the sequence of events that took place in Congress on Friday, November 18, 2005. All media accounts indicate "Congress" acted like unsupervised children. When you view the tapes and follow the FACTS surrounding the argument, a clear distinction comes into view, and you clearly see the ill effects of globalizing taken form. The Republicans tried to present John Murtha's, a Democrat, bill in their words. This one fact has been so under reported by media and Republicans alike. What the Republicans did should be the first reply to any recounted attempt from Democrats. The attempt to blur the facts of how this argument became a spectacle
is a tactic so often used under the "Fair and Balanced" claim by the media. I could not count how many times the media has used this concept to make opinion and lies legitimate issues. Globalizing the 2004 Party candidates was the primary factor to why Democrats lost ground to the Republicans. It's logical to keep the status Que if both sides have been pegged as the same. Democrats cannot afford to be viewed as having the same attributes as the Republicans, a point that should not be hard for them.
For what happen in Congress on Friday, viewers would be hard pressed to see the spin has fact. Increased exposure, thanks to CSPAN, has and will make it difficult for the Republicans to lie as they once enjoyed. Before its over, I put my money on the Republicans moving to have TV out of Congress. The Republicans will long miss the days when lies flowed like Niagara Falls, and the only way to counter their lies required a more than average knowledge of current political dynamics.

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Speaking Out: We Awake From Inactivity To Fight Back

First let me say I am proud to be affiliated with the Left of the political spectrum. I am also proud to be a Liberal, who despite the rhetoric, has the intellect to move our county in the direction needed to recover from this administration's war based in lies and false economic recovery. It appears, the Left have awaken to fight the fight we should of fought right after the 2000 election.
In part, because of the bold and strongman tactics of the Bush administration, the Left reeled back and settled with a complain plenty do nothing approach to issues at hand. We became settled with the assumption the word Liberal meant you were endowed with everything wrong and only belonged in the category of extremes to be shunned by the mere mention of their name.
After two questionable elections, a war we were tricked into supporting, and a mounting reality that everything they have fought for 40 years, the Left now knows it is under attack from the Bush administration and his Republican supporters. Since the close of the Senate -- a special 21 rule -- to move into a close session, the left as awaken to fight. The Democrats, or the so called Liberals, have awaken to ask the important questions about how we got into a occupation of another country fighting for oil that is not ours. The Democrats have awaken to claim the proud accomplishments associated with being Liberal and caring for the world around them. With every move forward, the Left clarifies what the Right has so cleverly distorted and made a mockery of. Yes, the Left and all the good it has stood for stands in the only light it knows and that is in the interest of the American people.
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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Black Republicans And History

You can trace the Black Republican form of compliant thinking to "Uncle Tom's Cabin." It is a sad under-researched dynamic spawned from slavery as some slaves took many measures to stop some of the physical and separation abuse imposed on them as a means to control them.

To cope with the many beatings associated with plantation life, Blacks were forced into compliance. You need only to go to a land where you don't understand the language; add to this someone beating the skin off your back for words you can't seem to understand. By the principles described in conditional learning alone, Blacks understood a basic rule to survive, and not get beat, was to comply. Doing what they thought the masters wanted them to do was quickly learned and passed on as a survival technique.

The house slave is a direct product of compliance to avoid beatings. As those who understood this concept most became trusted and delegated to instruct other slaves who did not know the rules and language, thus, the Uncle Tom was born.

From the very beginning, the Uncle Tom thought he was better than the others because he could speak like the whites, dress like the whites, and if given the chance, he could even criticise like the whites. There was only one glaring problem to Uncle's Tom's status: he was still black.

Throughout the years, the Uncle Tom's need to demonstrate this extreme form of compliance has evolved to the now Black Republican, complete with his so called "just like Whites" conditioning, but now he's joined a political Party that seems to give his status a true sense of belonging and that is the Republican Party..

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Thursday, November 03, 2005

A Tired Fight

The Republicans, and the "Hating Right" are starting to believe their own lies. Just like the evolution of man, the Republican liars have evolved into a whole new Species. The new Species is self supporting and need only the confirmations from their own ranks -- hence Bush's exclusion of non supporters to his town meetings and campaign rallies. The new Species has several draw backs, but the one that most identify their shortcomings as a Species is they tend to believe the lies in the face of undeniable truth, and they tend to treat truth as an opinion to be discounted by, you guessed it, more lies. With all this need to keep truth at bay, they have become very hateful of those who would make it difficult for them to maintain their deceptions. In short, they live by lies and die by them, and if we don't stop them, they will have more victims dying for the same lies they need to live off of.
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Logic Flow

If "A" and "B" are true, than "C". The Former is a simple formula for the truth, it is also the same formula being used by the Bush administration to generate untruths. I call the equation the "logic flow" formula. This is the very means by which are President is feeding the American people the untruth about Iraq and the War on Terror, where "A" = Terrorist who hate Americans, "B" = The need to defend America from the Bad Terrorist and "C" is equal to invasion of Iraq to spread Democracy so the Terrorist will change their minds or be killed?
Now if "A" and "B" are not true, then "C" will be ineffective and could be considered a contribute to the very problem that is up until now not Identified. The equations does not account for the money involved or the special interest that can be attribute to a false equation, but if you use the formula, you can point to the logic flow needed to gain support for the actions taken in Iraq and the War on Terror. It also points to the areas of focus for the truth, should America want to deal in a true solution.

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