Monday, October 31, 2005

Demarcrats Are Bad For The Current Military Goals

The far right don't want a Democrat near their unethical goals to rape and pillage a country. Democrats will be bad for the murdering of men, women, and children who have nothing to do with are concerns for terror. Democrats are bad for this phony since of patriotism that drives this mistaken WWII look alike war. I am so proud to be a Democrat, and I am so proud to be bad for this administration's bull shit that has divided this country between the shrinking numbers who are blinded by "neat" weaponry and the lies Mr. Bush calls a cause and the true patriots of this country. How dare Bush and Republican supporters of this war assume that the Democrats would stoop so low as to generate and support the hatred that drives this misguided cause that have effected and wiped out a people who have a true right to life.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Republicans Use Signature Attack On Prosecutor

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"When nothing is working, attack the person not the issue." That is the signature attack posture of the Republican Party. In settle form, the Republican questions regarding Fitzgerald's request for authority to look at other charges is the beginning of the "Ronnie Earl" style attack soon to be released in full on Fitzgerald.

In advance of what is to come, the Republicans are already trying to build talking points that will be needed to avoid the impeachment of Mr. Bush. The Republicans are now focused on Joseph Wilson's claim that the administration lied about Iraq seeking yellow cake uranium. By saying Wilson's claim was untrue, there will be no serious claim to lies leading our country to war and no foundation for impeachment. Yes, the Republicans are looking pass the indictments with this defense to the worse case scenario. Talking about seeing the "writing on the wall;" this is a natural lock step defense that speaks to the almost inborn predictable unity of the Republican Party.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sort This Mess Out

What did it mean when the DSM noted " make the facts fit the policy?" At some level, everyone who voted for this war are victims of Bush's propaganda machine. If I remember correctly, most of what was given to Bush was not a green light to start killing Iraqi men, women, and children. He was told: after he had used every avenue he could to avoid using force, then he was authorized to use force. How we got to War is in suspect, and I mean big time suspect. For starters, there is evidence he manipulated data, evidence, and slandered reputations to bring congress to the patriotic moment to support force. Second, the number one reason for going over there was never proved, but we, and I say we, didn't have the balls or fortitude to make things right. We were suppose to pull out of Iraq long ago, and I remember a time when this country would of did just that. History will report us in foul for this one fact, and long after this is over, this country will look like aggressors to innocent people. This, what I am saying, has truth written all over it. Now, Mr. Bush is in full diversion mode and is appointing unqualified people to the Supreme Court, allowed our troops to fight in battles within the Syrian border, and just about any thing he can to divert from the very thing that can bring his corrupt administration down. Mr. Bush is running scared and is in full defense. As a nation, we need a strong drive to bring the truth to the land, and provide clear cut solutions to how we can undue some of the wrongs this administrations has unleashed on this nation.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Report The Whole Truth

Like everything that has come out of this reconstruction of Iraqi, the American people and the media knows that some how this will later be reported as a farce in which Iraqi citizens were promised goods if they voted for the constitution. We, I know I do, suspect everything this administration has their hand in, and it is not rooted in hate for George Bush. The hatred for George Bush came after he got away with everything he's did, including the killing of men, women and children. I really hate the killing of human being for reasons that had nothing to do with imminent danger to us or the Iraqi people. Why would I not hate that?. The Far right and Mr. Bush should come to grips with the fact that we are not in WWII when there was a true Axis of Evil. The false sense of partiotism that drives this illegal war has made my stomach turn, and I will never be afraid to say it.
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Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Right Apathy

Apathy is a often used tool of the Right; without it, they would not be able to deliver their talking points. It is a sad time for the right, who knows a power shift is headed their way, which only takes on the similarity of "looking American" and "sounding American, " but truly lacks the will or honesty to drive America in the best direction. A good example of this is the so called "my home boys" moment the President had with the 12 American soldiers on national TV on 10/13/05; it was billed as a spontaneous talk with the troops, but it was later found to be a practiced response from crony shock troops. However, what becomes a true "kodak" moment is when you catch the Right, especially this President, with some form of the truth they were not expecting; they fumble about, some stuttering, as if they were interrupted with an national emergency. I say its much easier to know the truth, speak the truth, so you can be about the truth.
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Thursday, October 13, 2005

No Plan

One element of Bush's success has been apathy. Without the dynamic of not knowing what is really going on, the current administration would not have gotten, elected in 2000 and 2004, into a war with a white lie, or no bit contracts in Iraq in the sum of billions of US dollars -- I wonder what a kickback from that kind of money would bring. Mr. Bush cannot hold the pure mass of lies he's unloaded on the American people together. For what its worth, apathy can only survive in good times. Sooner that later people will want to know why their dollars don't have the same buying power it once did, and sooner than later people will want to know why we are fighting this war if we were not under any direct threat. Our men and women don't have to die like they are -- blown to bits in a foreign land away from love ones who will never see them like they were when they left to fight this war. One of the biggest oversight is Bush's ever changing reasons for fighting this war; this is nothing more than an internal struggle turned outward to rationalize why he is killing so many people for no good reason. We are in a sad time and we need to only look up and define the realities around us to see it.
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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Misdirection and Judge, they hope, Miers

The Republican Party has put forth a very deceptive plan to seat a very conservative person to the Supreme Court in a way the Democrats would not mount any serious opposition to the nomination. I am not fooled one bit by the immediate outrage response from the Republican Party when Miers was nominated. I have never seen the Republicans automatically discount one of their own, especially with this partisan Congress and Senate. It looks like the plan is to disagree at first, then at the last minute, claim they have had a change of heart. They are hoping their initial disagreement will trigger a partisan support response from the Democrats. The plan will, if it works, will get Miers appointed in unanimous fashion.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Give The Mayor Of New Orleans Credit Not Blame

There is on point to make for the Mayor's response to the hurricane that is very overlooked. Mayor Nagin was actively trying to address the situation in the best way he could. At times, he appeared desperate and on the verge of a breakdown because of the lack of support he had received up to that point. To add to all of this, Mr., Nagin had to watch friends and citizens die as their bodies floated by in a mounting body of floodwater. The Mayor was not taking pictures or in a plane looking down on the victims. In hindsight, we can look back at what the Mayor could have done better but we should not use that hindsight to spin blame. We know where the blame should be, and the American people must have the courage to state the truth. The Feds blew it.
